<![CDATA[HOPE & HEALING - Blog]]>Thu, 23 May 2024 14:23:01 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[BRAIN FU AWESOMENESS!!    by Nick Herrmann]]>Tue, 22 May 2018 00:44:28 GMThttp://brainchange4you.com/blog/brain-fu-awesomeness-by-nick-herrmannPicture

​I like movies --- I have the knack for memorizing -- and, despite my deficits--- I can quote lines from movies quite well. One of the movies that sticks with me is Dreamworks Kung Fu Panda Trilogy.  Po, the main character, is a blumbering panda whose dream is to be a Kung Fu master. 
In this particular scene, which has always stuck with me because I can relate, Po finds out that he must defeat Tai Lung, the main bad guy. Scared, he decides to run but gets caught by Master Shifu, the legendary Kung Fu teacher.  They proceed to argue about why Po should stay and fight, and this is their conversation:

Shifu: “You cannot leave. A real warrior never quits!”
Po: “Watch me!” (gets stopped by Shifu) “Aww, come on… How am I supposed to beat Tai Lung? I can’t even beat you to the STAIRS…!”
Shifu: “You will beat him because you are the Dragon Warrior.”
Po: “You don’t believe that. You never believed that. From the first moment I got here, you’ve been trying to get rid of me!..”
Shifu: “Yes. I was! But now it is time for you to trust in YOUR master as I have come to TRUST in mine.”
Po: “You’re not my master. And I’m not the Dragon Warrior.”
Shifu: “Then why didn’t you QUIT? You knew I was trying to get rid of you, yet you STAYED.”
Po: “Yeah, I stayed. I STAYED, because every time you threw a brick at my head, or said I smelled, it hurt. But it could never hurt more, than living every day of my life just being ME… I STAYED because I thought, if anyone could change me, could make me…NOT ME… it was YOU... the greatest Kung Fu teacher in all of China! 
Shifu: “But I can change you. I can turn you into the Dragon Warrior, and I WILL.”
Po: “Aww, come on. Tai Lung is on his way here right now. And even if it takes him a hundred years to get here, how are YOU gonna change THIS into the Dragon Warrior? HUH?!”
Shifu: (pauses)
Po: how?
Shifu: (continues pausing)
Po: “HOW?!”
Shifu: (blusters) ”I DON’T KNOW!!!! (sighs) I don’t know…”
Po: (downcast) “That’s what I thought.”

I have been dealing with this scenario my whole life. I am pitifully like Po. Many people do not “respect me”, or assume I can’t do things, because of my disabilities.  I couldn’t make the high school basketball team, but I became team manager.  I was first told I couldn’t go on a mission, but with God’s intervention, I did.  Even though I met every criteria, even had a higher GPA, I wasn’t selected for admittance to my college major. But I challenged them and I got in.  Even though I entered my pharm tech lab final with a 95%, my instructor failed me because of my left (cerebral palsied) hand.  So what if it takes me a few more seconds to type a freaking label?!?! I think there are enough nice people out there who wouldn’t mind. I typed all my papers in college with one hand!

I’ve met the “criteria” for so many jobs I have applied for, but I remain painfully underemployed.  One day I'll show just how capable I am . . . how I could have helped in whatever capacity because I am diligent, reliable, persevering, friendly and loyal. 

My mom reminds me a bit of Shifu, the Kung Fu Master.  She asks me to trust her when she says  “I don’t know when (this or that) will happen, Nick.”  Or “I don’t how, Nick . . . but I know it will happen, sooner or later. I think it will be sooner. It’s going to happen. You've got to be patient. Keep going. Keep fighting.”  She trusts God, the ultimate Master.

And now I’ve met Krista. She understands me because she’s been there. She’s pretty awesome.  And she wants to marry me!  Yep! She said yes!!  (See my proposal below). Hopefully is my next Kung Fu Master.  I want to be hers, too.

In the end, Po is able to defeat Tai Lung and gain respect. In the end, we can, too. There is hope for all of us with disabilities, and hope for those who love us. Let’s “put our mind’s to it!” (Oops, that’s another movie for another time).  But if we put our minds to it, keep up the FAITH, the HOPE and keep fighting, WE CAN ACHIEVE ANYTHING. 

 See Kung Fu Nick   See Proposal     Tightrope

<![CDATA[faith and a prayer]]>Mon, 30 Apr 2018 16:07:51 GMThttp://brainchange4you.com/blog/move-forward-with-faithOur lives are about to change. We are entering the unknown, yet again. With faith and a prayer. One step at a time. 

Faith feels so much better than fear. 

Nick is proposing to Krista this week.  Nick is my talented and capable 28 year old son. He suffered a traumatic brain bleed two days after his premature birth. It's been an interesting 28-year journey.  You can see and read about him by reading and following the links on the ABOUT page.  I anticipate the next 28 years will be just as interesting.  

Krista is a beautiful, talented and capable 20 year old with challenges of her own.  Her 21st birthday is Friday.  Nick will pop the question after birthday cake.  

I can't go back to share all I have learned as a mother of a son (and daughter, Tess) with neurological challenges.  So I'll start where we are and fill in the blanks along the way.  Nick will be contribute his experiences, too.  And I imagine Krista will have  thoughts to share down the road as well. 

We have learned that there is HOPE and HEALING for families with neurological, mental and physical challenges.  God has been with us each step of the way.  He has led us to information and to people who can help.   He is there for you, too.

We invite you to join our journey.  Please send questions and thoughts along the way.  
